Visualiseur ELMO LX-1
Le visualiseur ELMO LX-1 est un allié sûr, solide et fiable pour toutes vos présentations.
Entre autres avantages, le visualiseur ELMO LX-1 présente :
- de hautes performances visuelles servies par une résolution Full HD et un zoom x96.
- une grande flexibilité permise par ses multiples articulations pour orienter la caméra de la façon la plus adéquate.
- une connectique simple et variée qui convient à la grande majorité des situations.
Sa base de 45 % plus petite que celle des visualiseurs standards fait du visualiseur ELMO LX-1 un outil peu encombrant, idéal pour ceux ayant besoin d'une solution de visualisation de qualité dans un espace réduit.
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High optical performance to serve your demonstrations
Easily share your experiences with your students or your documents with your audience thanks to:
- a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels and a CMOS sensor of 3.4M pixels.
- exceptional x96 zoom in a compact camera head, combining x12 optical zoom and x8 digital zoom.
- a video captured in HD quality (in 1920 x 1080 pixels) and fluid at a rate of 30 images/second.
- a capture area larger than an A3 format (420 x 313 mm).
Functions to adjust the image
On the base of the viewer, buttons allow you to perform a certain number of actions on the image to improve its visibility. You can rotate the image, focus automatically (autofocus) or even adjust its brightness. If the surrounding brightness is too low, simply turn on the LED on the viewer.
On the end of the adjustable arm, there is a button to focus on the target element of your presentation and a ring to turn in either direction to (de-)zoom up to x96.
An ultra-flexible viewer to observe an object from every angle
To observe objects from every angle, the ELMO LX-1 viewer is equipped with multiple joints to orient its camera very precisely. Its stability and joints allow…:
- tilt the main arm of the viewer up to 64.5° to bring it closer to the support to be viewed.
- view the sides of an overhead object by moving the upper arm of the viewer vertically from left to right up to 180°.
- horizontally rotate the camera head up to 270°.
Connections to connect it to various supports
With its USB, HDMI and VGA ports, the LX-1 viewer's connectivity allows you to connect it to a wide variety of media. Broadcast the image captured by the viewer to devices such as a PC, an interactive touch screen or even an IWB.
Remotely control the TX-1 viewer (LX-1 viewer model with WiFi) from a Windows PC or tablet .
Kensington Security
The LX-1 viewer is equipped with a Kensington security slot that allows you to attach a padlock to prevent theft.
Image Mate 4 software
Image Mate 4 software, downloadable free from the web, allows you to:
- Capture an image and save it to your PC.
- record a video stream and save it to your PC.
- control the LX-1 viewer (zoom, image inversion, freeze, etc.).
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